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Frequently Asked Questions

How the application works?

Our application does not contain any TV channels or movies. We only offer the application. (Please read the description in the App Store). You must subscribe to an IPTV provider. And he will give you your M3u link or your login and password that you can use in our app.

Can I use my app subscription and restore my purchase it in Multiple devices?

Yes, you can use your subscription in multiple devices using the same AppleID (for apple devices) Or the same google-mail( for android devices). To restore the purchase just go in the purchase view and click on “Restore purchase”.

How the TV-Guide works?

Normally you don't need to do anything if your IPTV provider also offers the guide. If this is not the case, then you need to search for an Xmltv file on the Internet for your country and import it into the application. Click on “edit” to modify a TV channel and select the TV guide corresponding to the TV channel.

The TV channel or the movie doesn't work or there are a lot of interruptions.

This is a problem with the stability and quality of the stream offered by your IPTV provider. Please contact your IPTV provider to request an improvement in streaming quality or subscribe to another IPTV provider.

How to import new TV channels or movies.

Our application saves all TV and movie channels during import so that the application doesn't load the channels each time the application is restarted. To add all new TV channels, movies and TV series, go to “IPTV provider”, select the provider and click on “Update”. you can also update a playlist or TV series by long-clicking on the playlist or TV series and selecting “Update”.

Apple subscription & Android subscription

Apple and google don't share subscription information, That's why you need an Apple subscription for all Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV) and an Android subscription for Smart TV and Android Smartphone.